Monday, May 4, 2009

Putting the Rifle Away

No, this post is not about giving up shooting! Who would do such a thing? Today's post is about storing of our beloved firearms.

Until recently I have been storing my rifles, well all of my guns, in their cases. This is, of course, just about as bad as it gets. I've learned that metal objects need to breathe. I recently borrowed a gun case that my brother-in-law built. I have my long guns in that case and are now feeling a little better about it. It seems clean, dry air is absolutely essential when it comes to storage.

Currently I'm not using any sort of drying agent. I already live in a very dry climate, so either it's never crossed my mind or I have dismissed the idea in the past. I'm second guessing myself now. I haven't seen any damage, but I'd rather keep it that way. Any of you out there in blogland have any ideas for a drying agent? I'd love to hear them.

As for security suffice it to say that the firearms are indeed secure and are not accessible. There are plans in the future for top-of-the-line security. At that point I may discuss the situation I have now and why it needed upgraded. That is also the reason there are no pictures in this post.

I always try to put away the firearms after they're clean. I do, however have a life and a job, so sometimes it doesn't get done. But you can be sure they're checked and clean before I go shooting again. (Cleaning will undoubtedly be it's own post in the future)

-Steven Kipp

1 comment:

  1. I know a lot of major giant vaults have dehumidifiers in them, but I don't think it's an issue in Colorado/Wyoming. You could always just grab the silica gel packs out of some of the nicer boxes of paintballs and throw them in your case. I have a few in mine, just as an "it can't hurt" sort of thing.
